BRC Atlas library examples
API documentation
For API details - JSDoc API documentation.
Working examples
British & Irish atlas maps
- Using div tags - the simplest way to get a map on an HTML page
- A basic UK & Ireland hectad distribution map
- Creating a simple atlas (SVG) map
- Changing the island inset style
- Changing the map colours and styles
- Downloading map images and data
- A basic Irish hectad distribution map
- Creating an atlas map for a region not included in standard assets
- Overriding the ‘transOptsSel’ property
- A local atlas map
- Creating local atlas maps
- Creating a custom ‘transOptsSel’
- Switching between custom local views
- Interactive display of details as mouse moved over map dots
- Custom data accessor function
- Setting a custom map background image
- Creating map legends
- Using a non-standard font for the legend
- Downloading map images
- Showing the map busy indicator
- Animate transition between core UK & Ireland transformation types
- User defined map inset demo (Channel Islands)
- Creating a custom view local atlas
- Includes a map inset (Alderney)
- User defined multiple map inset demo (Channel Islands)
- Creating a custom view local atlas
- Includes several map insets
- Slippy map displaying CSV
- Displaying a leaflet map with atlas data
- Downloading map (dot) data
- Configuring, adding and removing Slippy basemaps
- Add and remove Leaflet basemap layers programatically
- Add and remove Leaflet overlay layers programatically
- Adding and removing GeoJson layers to Slippy map
- Creating legends - simple and tabulated
- Displaying a standard legend
- Displaying a tabulated lgegend
- Displaying a long legend
- Displaying an SVG and Leaflet map side by side
- Busy indicators and large datasets on slippy map
- Displaying large datasets on a Leaflet map
- Starting and stopping a busy indicator for downloading and displaying
- Using the ‘callbacks’ property of the Leaflet map
- Vice County boundaries on slippy map
- Displaying VC bounaries on the SVG and Leaflet maps
- Displaying country bounaries on the SVG and Leaflet maps
- Displaying information tips on leaflet map from VC
- Resizable SVG map
- Showing multiple SVG maps on one page
- Showing multiple SVG maps on one page
- Demonstrates setting map transform options using built in control and programatically
- Demonstrates setting map access function using built in control and programatically