European atlas & colour options

Countries outline:
Dot colour:

Dot 1 size:
Dot 2 size:
Dot 3 size:

Dot 1 opacity:
Dot 2 opacity:
Dot 3 opacity:

This demonstration uses previously downloaded data for Painted Ladies submitted via eBMS in the last five years. The visualisation is based on the 'traces' display from the Euro Bird Portal.

Countries are those participating in eBMS. Dot 1 indicates if the butterfly was recorded in the current week, dot 2 the previous week and dot 3 the week before that. Data are aggregated on a 30 km grid based on the 'ETRS89-LAEA Europe' coordinate reference system (EPSG:3035). The smallest dot size (1) corresponds to a dot of 30 km diameter.

Press the play button to animate the map, or drag the slider to the desired week.

You can pan the map by dragging with your mouse and you can zoom with your mouse wheele.