Module: src/km100

(constant) module:src/km100 :object

The default export from this module is an object with a property for every 100 km square reference for Britain (Brtish National Grid), Ireland (Irish National Grid) and the Channel Islands (abbreviated UTM 30N). Each grid reference references an object that has properties x, y and proj. The x and y coordinates represent the centroid of the 100 km square in the coordinate reference system corresponding to the aforementioned areas, respectively epsg:27700, epsg:29903 and epsg:32630. Another property, proj, indicates the region/CRS with two letter codes, respectively gb, ir and ci.

An example of the object referenced through the property 'SO' is shown below:

  "x": 3,
  "y": 2,
  "proj": "gb"


(static, constant) a100km :array

This the array from which the default object is derived. If you need to work with an array of objects where the 100 km grid reference is a property of the object alongside x, y, and proj, you can use this.
  • array