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A function for using Frescalo (Hill, 2011), a tool for analysing occurrence data when recording effort is not known. This function returns the output from Frescalo to the R session and saves it to the path specified by sinkdir. By setting plot_fres to TRUE maps of the results will also be saved. Plotting the returned object gives a useful summary.


  year_col = NULL,
  start_col = NULL,
  end_col = NULL,
  species_to_include = NULL,
  sinkdir = NULL,
  plot_fres = FALSE,
  Fres_weights = "LCGB",
  non_benchmark_sp = NULL,
  fres_site_filter = NULL,
  phi = 0.74,
  alpha = 0.27,
  trend_option = "arithmetic",
  NYears = 10,
  ignore.ireland = F,
  ignore.channelislands = F



A dataframe object. This should consist of rows of observations and columns indicating the species and location as well as either the year of the observation or columns specifying the start and end dates of the observation. It is important that date columns are in a date format.


the path to the frescalo .exe file. This can be downloaded from It is currently only available for Windows. The directory where the .exe is saved should be writeable.


A dataframe object with two columns. The first column contains the start year of each time period and the second column contains the end year of each time period. Time periods should not overlap.


The name of the site column in Data


The name of the species column in Data


The name of the year column in Data


The name of the start date column in Data


The name of the end date column in Data


Optionally a character vector listing the names of species to be used. Species not in your list are ignored. This is useful if you are only interested in a subset of species.


String giving the output directory for results


Logical, if TRUE maps are produced by Frescalo. Default is FALSE. CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS FOR UK GRID-REFERENCE DATA


'LC*' specifies a weights files based on landcover data. The suffix specifies the extend ('LCUK', 'LCNI' or 'LCGB'). 'VP' uses a weights file based on vascular plant data for the UK , both are included in the package. Alternativly a custom weights file can be given as a data.frame. This must have three columns: target cell, neighbour cell, weight. Default is 'LCGB'


a character vector, giving the names of species not to be used as benchmarks in Frescalo. Default is NULL and all species are used. See Hill, 2011 for reasons why some species may not be suitable benchmarks.


Optionally a character vector giving the names of sites to be used in the trend analysis. Sites not include in this list are not used for estimating TFactors. Default is NULL and all sites are used.


Target frequency of frequency-weighted mean frequency. Default is 0.74 as in Hill (2011). If set to NULL, phi will start at 0.74 and will be increased if the value is smaller than the 98.5 percentile of input phi, limited to to a maximum of 0.95.


the proportion of the expected number of species in a cell to be treated as benchmarks. Default is 0.27 as in Hill (2011). This is limited to 0.08 to 0.50.


Set the method by which you wish to calculate percentage change. This can currently be set to either 'arithmetic' (default) or 'geometric'. Arimthmetic calculates percentage change in a linear fashion such that a decline of 50% over 50 years is equal to 10% in 10 years. Using the same example a Geometric trend would be 8.44% every 10 years as this work on a compound rate.


The number of years over which you want the percentage change to be calculated (i.e. 10 gives a decadal change). Default = 10


Logical, if TRUE Irish hectads are removed. Default is FALSE


Logical, if TRUE channel island hectads are removed. Default is FALSE


Results are saved to file and most are returned in a list to R.

The list object returned is comprised of the following:


This list of file paths provides the locations of the raw data files for $log, $stat, $freq and $trend, in that order


This dataframe provides the list of time factors for each species

-SpeciesName of species
-TimeTime period, specified as a class (e.g. 1970); times need not be numeric and are indexed as character strings
-TFactorTime factor, the estimated relative frequency of species at the time
-St_DevStandard deviation of the time factor, given that spt (defined below) is a weighted sum of binomial variates
-XNumber of occurrences of species at the time period
-XsptNumber of occurrences, given reduced weight of locations having very low sampling effort
-XestEstimated number of occurrences; this should be equal to spt if the algorithm has converged
-N>0.00Number of locations with non-zero probability of the species occurring
-N>0.98Number of locations for which the probability of occurrence was estimated as greater than 0.98

Location report

-LocationName of location; in this case locations are hectads of the GB National Grid
-Loc_noNumbering (added) of locations in alphanumeric order
-No_sppNumber of species at that location; the actual number which may be zero
-Phi_inInitial value of phi, the frequency-weighted mean frequency
-AlphaSampling effort multiplier (to achieve standard value of phi)
-Wgt_n2effective number N2 for the neighbourhood weights; this is small if there are few floristically similar hectads close to the target hectad. It is (sum weights)^2 / (sum weights^2)
-Phi_outValue of phi after rescaling; constant, if the algorithm has converged
-Spnum_inSum of neighbourhood frequencies before rescaling
-Spnum_outEstimated species richness, i.e. sum of neighbourhood frequencies after rescaling
-IterNumber of iterations for algorithm to converge

Listing of rescaled species frequencies

-LocationName of location
-SpeciesName of species
-PresRecord of species in location (1 = recorded, 0 = not recorded)
-FreqFrequency of species in neighbourhood of location
-Freq_1Estimated probabilty of occurrence, i.e. frequency of species after rescaling
-SD_Frq1Standard error of Freq_1, calculated on the assumption that Freq is a binomial variate with standard error sqrt(Freq*(1-Freq)/ Wgt_n2), where Wgt_n2 is as defined for samples.txt in section (b)
-RankRank of frequency in neighbourhood of location
-Rank_1Rescaled rank, defined as Rank/Estimated species richness

This records all the output sent to the console when running frescalo


The results of linear modelling of TFactors

-SPECIESName of species used internally by frescalo
-NAMEName of species as appears in raw data
-bThe slope of the model
-aThe intercept
-b_std_errStandard error of the slope
-b_tvalt-value for a test of significance of the slope
-b_pvalp-value for a test of significance of the slope
-a_std_errStandard error of the intercept
-a_tvalt-value for a test of significance of the intercept
-a_pvalp-value for a test of significance of the intercept
-adj_r2Rescaled rank, defined as Rank/Estimated species richness
-r2t-value for a test of significance of the intercept
-F_valF-value of the model
-F_num_dfDegrees of freedom of the model
-F_den_dfDenominator degrees of freedom from the F-statistic
-YminThe earliest year in the dataset
-YmaxThe latest year in the dataset
-change_...The percentage change dependent on the values given to trend_option and NYears.

The following columns are only produced when there are only two time periods

-Z_VALZ-value for the significance test of the trend
-SIG_95A logical statement indicating if the trend is significant (TRUE) or non-significant (FALSE)


Hill, Mark. Local frequency as a key to interpreting species occurrence data when recording effort is not known. 2011. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (1), 195-205.


if (FALSE) {
# Load data

fres_out <- frescalo(Data = unicorns,
                     frespath = file.path(getwd(), "frescalo.exe"),
                     time_periods = data.frame(start=c(1980,1990),end=c(1989,1999)),
                     site_col = 'site',
                     sp_col = 'species',
                     start_col = 'start_date',
                     end_col = 'end_date')