This R-package is for the analysis of recorder behaviour in citizen science projects. This package takes data from citizen science projects that have ‘what’ (typically species), ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘who’ fields. From this data the various functions in this package create metrics that quantify the behaviour of the participants (the ‘who’).

This package accompanies the paper Data-derived metrics describing the behaviour of field-based citizen scientists provide insights for project design and modelling bias by TA August et al in press 2019

Who is this for?

This R package is designed for organisers of citizen science projects and academics interested in the ‘citizen’ element of citizen science. Specifically this package is designed for wildlife recording citizen science projects where observers are allowed to record what, where and when, they want. However, elements of the package are still useful if this is not the case. The metrics presented here allow organisers to gain new insights in the variation in recorder behaviour. The insights will help organisers to decide which citizen scientists might be interested in a new project, or what sort of project will best fit with the patterns of behaviours in the citizen scientists.

What sort of data is needed?

The data needed is what, where, when, who. What was recorded (e.g. species), where was it recorded (i.e. latitude and longitude AND the grid square this falls in), when was it recorded (e.g. 20/01/1997), and who recorded it (e.g. ‘John Smith’ or ‘USER1548785’).

##        recorder species       date       long      lat  km_sq
## 82138     11652       1 2017-08-19 -2.4872953 51.31455 ST6657
## 150797     3007      52 2014-06-12 -2.2452737 50.62048 SY8280
## 80713     22725      43 2015-07-05 -1.9939669 50.64902 SZ0083
## 161905    22725      26 2017-04-18 -2.4787477 50.81198 ST6601
## 217        1417       2 2017-03-31 -1.3645562 53.51558 SE4202
## 134124    26865      56 2017-08-05 -0.1137257 50.90479 TQ3213
## 'data.frame':    10000 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ recorder: int  11652 3007 22725 22725 1417 26865 49583 31176 42818 10935 ...
##  $ species : num  1 52 43 26 2 56 14 45 4 62 ...
##  $ date    : Date, format: "2017-08-19" "2014-06-12" ...
##  $ long    : num  -2.49 -2.25 -1.99 -2.48 -1.36 ...
##  $ lat     : num  51.3 50.6 50.6 50.8 53.5 ...
##  $ km_sq   : chr  "ST6657" "SY8280" "SZ0083" "ST6601" ...

In the case of the example the recorder column is an anonymised number, but you could also use the users name (e.g. ‘John Smith’) as long as this uniquely identifies your user. If you usernames vary (e.g. ‘John Smith’, ‘J Smith’, ‘John A Smith’, ‘JA Smith’) you will need to harmonise these first. The same applies for species, numerics are used here but you could have Latin binomials as long a they uniquely identify a species. Note that location is given in latitude and longitude as well as 1km grid square. If you don’t have 1km square information you could use the name of the site or a concatenation of latitude and longitude, rounded to a fewer decimal places. Either way this location should be the same for all records submitted by a recorder on an individual visit. For comparability to August et al it should be a 1km square grid cell.

Recreating the axes in August et al

The four axes presented in August et al may not be the most appropriate axes for all citizen science projects however if you wish to use them this can be done using the predictAxes function. This function is a wrapper for a lot of other functions that we will explore in a moment.

#Run for 10 recorders
metrics_axes <- predictAxes(data = cit_sci_data,
                            recorders  = unique(cit_sci_data$recorder)[1:10])
## Warning in predictAxes(data = cit_sci_data, recorders =
## unique(cit_sci_data$recorder)[1:10]): Metrics cannot be calculated
## for recorders with fewer than the threshold number of active days. The
## threshold is set to 10 and 2 recorders fail this
## 'data.frame':    10 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ recorder                  : int  11652 3007 22725 1417 26865 49583 31176 42818 10935 10488
##  $ activity_ratio            : num  1 0.107 0.256 0.209 0.207 ...
##  $ active_days               : int  1 49 114 18 62 11 11 11 1 76
##  $ median_weekly_devoted_days: num  NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA 1
##  $ periodicity               : num  NA 9 3 4 3 9 12 20 NA 5
##  $ periodicity_variation     : num  NA 9.43 4.33 3.95 8.46 ...
##  $ upper_area                : num  NA 3608 7961 729 1804 ...
##  $ upper_n_poly              : int  NA 5 13 2 4 1 1 1 NA 18
##  $ ratio                     : num  NA 0.185 0.186 0.237 0.14 ...
##  $ taxa_prop                 : num  NA 0.312 0.594 0.141 0.344 ...
##  $ median_diff_rarity        : num  NA -0.826 7.438 0 -1.653 ...
##  $ p1                        : num  NA 0.984 0.816 0.9 0.853 ...
# ...and the axes values
##     recorder recording_intensity spatial_extent recording_potential
## 95      3007          -0.7264398      1.6086909          -0.9654431
## 951    22725           1.1652711      2.9220979           1.6412431
## 952     1417           0.8899649     -0.7295146          -1.6363167
## 953    26865           0.5633719      1.3143094          -0.5077554
## 954    49583          -1.3381062     -2.0257823          -2.0829712
## 955    31176          -2.2802431     -2.1251578          -1.1265838
##     rarity_recording
## 95         0.8602738
## 951        1.7984001
## 952        0.7576400
## 953        0.4051430
## 954       -0.1435788
## 955        0.8211310

Note that recorder metrics are only calculated for recorders with 10 or more active days as below that the metrics cannot be estimated with confidence.

Lower level functions

The function we just looked at (predictAxes) calculates all of the metrics as well as the axes so you can use that to quickly calculate the metrics, however that function makes use of a number of other functions which calculate the metrics. If you want to have more control over the parameters used to calculate the metrics then these functions will give you that level of control.

Summer Period


Recorder metrics can be biased if there are annual breaks in data collection. In these cases it is better to ensure that only data in the recording period (typically summer), is included. This function is an objective way to identify this recording period.

##        recorder species       date       long      lat  km_sq Jday year
## 82138     11652       1 2017-08-19 -2.4872953 51.31455 ST6657  230 2017
## 150797     3007      52 2014-06-12 -2.2452737 50.62048 SY8280  162 2014
## 80713     22725      43 2015-07-05 -1.9939669 50.64902 SZ0083  185 2015
## 161905    22725      26 2017-04-18 -2.4787477 50.81198 ST6601  107 2017
## 217        1417       2 2017-03-31 -1.3645562 53.51558 SE4202   89 2017
## 134124    26865      56 2017-08-05 -0.1137257 50.90479 TQ3213  216 2017
##        summer
## 82138    TRUE
## 150797   TRUE
## 80713    TRUE
## 161905   TRUE
## 217      TRUE
## 134124   TRUE
## [1] 10000
## [1] 9536
##   year quantile_first quantile_last
## 1 2014            102       275.000
## 2 2015             94       273.000
## 3 2016             92       278.000
## 4 2017             83       241.325

Activity ratio


This function takes in data for a recorder and calculates the activity ratio, total duration and number of active days.

##   recorder activity_ratio total_duration summer_duration active_days
## 1    11652     1.00000000              1               1           1
## 2     3007     0.08045977           1236             696          56
## 3    22725     0.18409426           1223             679         125
## 4     1417     0.15833333            120             120          19
## 5    26865     0.13333333            867             510          68
## 6    49583     0.06043956            352             182          11
hist(ar_all_sum$active_days, breaks = 80,
     xlab = 'Number of Active days', main = '')

List length


This function takes in data for a recorder and calculates the list length metrics. These metrics are based around the idea of a ‘list’, defined as the species recorded at a single location (often a 1km square) on a single day by an individual recorder.

##   recorder  mean_LL median_LL   variance        p1         p4 n_lists
## 1    11652       NA        NA         NA        NA         NA       1
## 2     3007 1.015873         1 0.01587302 0.9841270 0.00000000      63
## 3    22725 1.226994         1 0.28766190 0.8159509 0.01226994     163
## 4     1417 1.100000         1 0.09473684 0.9000000 0.00000000      20
## 5    26865 1.186667         1 0.26198198 0.8533333 0.01333333      75
## 6    49583 1.090909         1 0.09090909 0.9090909 0.00000000      11
hist(LL_all_sum$n_lists, breaks = 80, main = '',
     xlab = 'Number of lists recorded by an individual recorder')



This function takes in data for a recorder and calculates the periodicity metrics.

##   recorder periodicity periodicity_variation median_streak sd_streak
## 1    11652          NA                    NA            NA        NA
## 2     3007         9.0             10.424964             1 0.2800560
## 3    22725         4.0              9.935425             1 0.6032567
## 4     1417         4.5              7.837608             1 0.5622957
## 5    26865         4.0             12.050814             1 0.8372419
## 6    49583         9.0             19.504985             1 0.5000000
##   max_streak n_days
## 1         NA      1
## 2          3     56
## 3          5    125
## 4          3     19
## 5          4     68
## 6          2     11
hist(P_all_sum$max_streak, main = '', xlab = 'Max streak length')

Spatial Behaviour


This function takes in data for a recorder and calculates the spatial metrics. Note that the spatial projection of the data allows for estimates of distance in meters. Pay particular attention to the specification of the parameters crs and new_crs

##      recorder lower_n_poly upper_area lower_area ratio     n  
## [1,] 11652    NA           NA         NA         NA        1  
## [2,] 3007     1            3608       668        0.1851441 64 
## [3,] 22725    1            7961       1477       0.1855295 200
## [4,] 1417     1            729        173        0.2373114 22 
## [5,] 26865    1            1804       252        0.1396896 89 
## [6,] 49583    1            521        155        0.2975048 12

Species Rarity


This function takes in data for a recorder and calculates the recorder’s rarity metrics.

##   recorder median_rarity median_diff_rarity     stdev   n
## 1    11652      4.958678         -8.2644628        NA   1
## 2     3007     12.396694         -0.8264463 12.832748  64
## 3    22725     20.661157          7.4380165 16.231958 200
## 4     1417     13.223140          0.0000000  9.988949  22
## 5    26865     11.570248         -1.6528926 14.935808  89
## 6    49583      7.438017         -5.7851240  9.459110  12

Taxa Breadth


These metrics describe the ‘experience’ the recorder has had recording species within the group.

##   recorder taxa_breadth taxa_prop   n
## 1    11652            1  0.015625   1
## 2     3007           20  0.312500  64
## 3    22725           38  0.593750 200
## 4     1417            9  0.140625  22
## 5    26865           22  0.343750  89
## 6    49583            9  0.140625  12
hist(TB_all_sum$taxa_prop, breaks = 40, main = '',
     xlab = 'Proportion of Taxa Recorded')

Weekly Devoted Days


These metrics describe frequency of recording in weeks in which the recorder made observations.

##   recorder median_weekly_devoted_days n_weeks n_recs
## 1    11652                          1       1      1
## 2     3007                          1      48     56
## 3    22725                          1      75    125
## 4     1417                          1      13     19
## 5    26865                          1      41     68
## 6    49583                          1      10     11
     main = '',
     xlab = 'Median Weekly Devoted days')