/** @module slippyMap */
import * as L from 'leaflet'
import * as d3 from 'd3'
import { getCentroid, getGjson } from 'brc-atlas-bigr'
import { dataAccessors } from './dataAccess.js'
import { svgLegend } from './svgLegend.js'
import { constants } from './constants.js'
import { downloadCurrentData } from './download.js'
* @typedef {Object} basemapConfig
* @property {string} name - name of layer to be displayer in layer control.
* @property {string} type - either 'tileLayer' or 'wms'.
* @property {boolean} selected - indicate whether or not this is to be the layer initially selected.
* @property {string} url - the standard leaflet formatted URL for the layer.
* @property {Object} opts - standard leaflet layer options.
* @param {Object} opts - Initialisation options.
* @param {string} opts.selector - The CSS selector of the element which will be the parent of the leaflet map.
* @param {string} opts.mapid - The id for the slippy map to be created.
* @param {boolean} opts.showCountries - Indicates whether or not the map will display Country boundaries.
* @param {boolean} opts.showVcs - Indicates whether or not the map will display Vice County boundaries.
* @param {boolean} opts.showVcsTooltips - Indicates whether or not the name and number of the VC should be shown on click.
* Note that you will need to ensure that the VC has 'fill' style property set to true if you want users to be able to click
* anywhere within a VC boundary. You can also set the 'fillOpacity' property to 0 if you don't want the fill to be visible.
* (Note that the default styleVcs properties include these values.)
* @param {Array.<object>} opts.styleVcs - An array of objects defining styles for VCs at different zoom levels. The properties
* of each can be any that are meaningful to a path object in Leaflet (https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#path-option). Each
* object also has an property called 'zoom' which can be set to an array of Leaflet zoom levels. The style properties will
* only be applied if the map zoom level is in the array. A shortcut to indicating all zoom levels not included in other
* array members is an empty array. If the property includes only one style object, with the zoom property set to an empty
* array, then the style properties will be applied at all zoom levels.
* @param {string} opts.captionId - The id of a DOM element into which feature-specific HTML will be displayed
* as the mouse moves over a dot on the map. The HTML markup must be stored in an attribute called 'caption'
* in the input data.
* @param {number} opts.clusterZoomThreshold - The leaflet zoom level above which clustering will be turned
* off for point display (except for points in same location) (default 1 - i.e. clustering always one)
* @param {function} opts.onclick - A function that will be called if user clicks on a map
* element. The function will be passed these attributes, in this order, if they exist on the
* element: gr, id, caption. (Default - null.)
* @param {number} opts.height - The desired height of the leaflet map.
* @param {number} opts.width - The desired width of the leaflet map.
* @param {Array.<basemapConfig>} opts.basemapConfigs - An array of map layer configuration objects.
* @param {Object} opts.mapTypesSel - Sets an object whose properties are data access functions. The property
* names are the 'keys' which should be human readable descriptiosn of the map types.
* @param {string} opts.mapTypesKey - Sets the key of the selected data accessor function (map type).
* @param {legendOpts} opts.legendOpts - Sets options for a map legend.
* @param {Array.<function>} opts.callbacks - An array of callbacks that can be used during data loading/display.
* Typically these can be used to display/hide busy indicators.
* <br/>callbacks[0] is fired at the start of data redraw.
* <br/>callbacks[1] is fired at the end of data redraw.
* <br/>callbacks[2] is fired at the start of data download.
* <br/>callbacks[3] is fired at the end of data download.
* @returns {module:slippyMap~api} Returns an API for the map.
export function leafletMap({
// Default options in here
selector = 'body',
mapid = 'leafletMap',
showVcs = false,
showVcsTooltips = true,
styleVcs = [
{zoom: [], color: 'black', fill: true, weight: 2, opacity: 0.4, fillOpacity: 0},
{zoom: [7,6,5,4,3,2,1], color: 'black', fill: true, weight: 1, opacity: 0.3, fillOpacity: 0}
captionId = '',
clusterZoomThreshold = 19,
onclick = null,
height = 500,
width = 300,
basemapConfigs = [],
mapTypesKey = 'Standard hectad',
mapTypesSel = dataAccessors,
legendOpts = {display: false},
callbacks = []
} = {}) {
let taxonIdentifier, precision
let dots = {}
const geojsonLayers = {}
let markers = null
const vcs = {mbrs: null, vcs1000: null, vcs100: {}, vcs10: {}, vcsFull: {}}
const countries = {countries1000: null, countries100: null, countries10: null, countriesFull: null}
.attr('id', mapid)
.style('width', `${width}px`)
.style('height', `${height}px`)
// Create basemaps from config
let selectedBaselayerName
const baseMaps = basemapConfigs.filter(c => !c.overlay).reduce((bm, c) => {
let lyrFn
if (c.type === 'tileLayer') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer
} else if (c.type === 'wms') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer.wms
} else {
return bm
bm[c.name] = lyrFn(c.url, c.opts)
if (c.selected) {
selectedBaselayerName = c.name
return bm
}, {})
// Create overlays from config
const overlayMaps = basemapConfigs.filter(c => c.overlay).reduce((bm, c) => {
let lyrFn
if (c.type === 'tileLayer') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer
} else if (c.type === 'wms') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer.wms
} else {
return bm
bm[c.name] = lyrFn(c.url, c.opts)
if (c.selected) {
selectedBaselayerName = c.name
return bm
}, {})
// If no basemaps configured, provide a default
if (basemapConfigs.length === 0) {
baseMaps['OpenStreetMap'] = L.tileLayer ('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
maxZoom: 19,
attribution: '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
// If no basemap selected, select the first
if (!selectedBaselayerName) {
selectedBaselayerName = Object.keys(baseMaps)[0]
const map = new L.Map(mapid, {center: [55, -4], zoom: 6, layers:[baseMaps[selectedBaselayerName]]})
map.on("viewreset", redraw) // Not firing on current version - seems to be a bug
map.on("zoomstart", () => {
//console.log("zoom start")
svg.style('display', 'none')
map.on("zoomend", () => {
//console.log("zoom end")
map.on("moveend", () => {
//console.log("move end")
// Record the currently selected basemap layer
map.on('baselayerchange', function (e) {
selectedBaselayerName = e.name
// Add layer selection control to map if there is more than one layer
let mapLayerControl
if (basemapConfigs.length > 0) {
mapLayerControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps).addTo(map)
// Legend custom control
L.Control.Legend = L.Control.extend({
onAdd: function() {
const div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'legendDiv leaflet-control leaflet-bar')
return div
onRemove: function() {
L.control.Legend = function(opts) {
return new L.Control.Legend(opts)
L.control.Legend({ position: 'topleft' }).addTo(map)
function projectPoint(x, y) {
const point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(y, x))
this.stream.point(point.x, point.y)
const transform = d3.geoTransform({point: projectPoint})
const path = d3.geoPath().projection(transform)
map.getPane('atlaspane').style.zIndex = 650
const svg = d3.select(map.getPane('atlaspane')).append("svg")
svg.attr('id', 'atlas-leaflet-svg')
// Added overflow visible to svg (02/09/2021) because it was found to fix a very odd problem - svg graphics not
// visible in ESB atlas but only on Firefox on Windows.
svg.style('overflow', 'visible')
//const svg = d3.select(map.getPanes().overlayPane).append("svg")
// Necessary to set SVG pointer events to none otherwise pointer events
// do not propagate to layers below (e.g. VCs). This does not interfer if a onclick config
// is used to set an event on feature click.
svg.style('pointer-events', 'none')
// Dont use the leaflet class leaflet-zoom-hide because we are handling
// the hide/display of SVG layer ourselves so that it is only redisplayed
// once dots have been regenerated (because it is quite slow)
const g = svg.append("g") //.attr("class", "leaflet-zoom-hide")
// Create pane for Vice Counties
map.getPane('vcpane').style.zIndex = 649
// Initiate VC and Country display
function pointMarkers() {
// Hide the SVG (atlas elements)
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
svg.style('display', 'none')
// Remove any previous
if (markers) {
//console.log('remaking', clusterZoomThreshold)
markers = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: function (zoom) {
return (zoom <= clusterZoomThreshold) ? 80 : 1; // radius in pixels
dots.p0.records.forEach(f => {
// Allowed colours: https://awesomeopensource.com/project/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers
const iconColour=f.colour ? f.colour : dots.p0.colour
const icon = new L.Icon({
iconUrl: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pointhi/leaflet-color-markers/master/img/marker-icon-2x-${iconColour}.png`,
shadowUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/0.7.7/images/marker-shadow.png',
iconSize: [25, 41],
iconAnchor: [12, 41],
popupAnchor: [1, -34],
shadowSize: [41, 41]
const marker = L.marker(L.latLng(f.lat, f.lng), {icon: icon, id: f.id, gr: f.gr, caption: f.caption})
if (onclick){
markers.on("click", function (event) {
const p = event.layer.options
onclick(p.gr, p.id ? p.id : null, p.caption ? p.caption : null)
function redraw() {
// redraw and yieldRedraw are separated into two separate
// functions so that callbacks[0] can be called before
// called the rest of the code asynchronously. This is
// required in order to yield control to event queue so that
// if callbacks[0] updates gui (e.g. to show busy indicator)
// it happens before rest of code executed.
const deg5km = 0.0447
let data, buffer
if (precision===10000) {
data = dots.p10000
buffer = deg5km * 1.5
} else if (precision===5000) {
data = dots.p5000
buffer = deg5km * 0.75
} else if (precision===2000) {
data = dots.p2000
buffer = deg5km / 4
} else if (precision===1000) {
data = dots.p1000
buffer = deg5km / 2
} else {
data = []
buffer = 0
legendOpts.accessorData = data.legend
if (!(legendOpts.display && (legendOpts.data || legendOpts.accessorData))) {
//if (!legendOpts || !legendOpts.data || !legendOpts.data.lines || !legendOpts.data.lines.length) {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
} else {
if (legendOpts.display) {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'block')
} else {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
if (!data) {
data = {}
if (!data.records) {
data.records = []
if (callbacks[0]) callbacks[0]()
setTimeout(() => yieldRedraw(data, buffer), 50)
function yieldRedraw(data, buffer) {
// Hide point markers
if (markers && precision!==0) {
const view = map.getBounds()
const filteredData = data.records.filter(function(d){
if (d.lng < view._southWest.lng - buffer ||
d.lng > view._northEast.lng + buffer ||
d.lat < view._southWest.lat - buffer ||
d.lat > view._northEast.lat + buffer) {
return false
} else {
if (!d.geometry) {
if (precision!==0) {
const shape = d.shape ? d.shape : data.shape
const size = d.size ? d.size : data.size
d.geometry = getGjson(d.gr, 'wg', shape, size)
return true
if (precision!==0) {
// Atlas data - goes onto an SVG where D3 can work with it
const bounds = path.bounds({
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: filteredData.map(d => {
return {
type: "Feature",
geometry: d.geometry
const topLeft = bounds[0]
const bottomRight = bounds[1]
if (isFinite(topLeft) && isFinite(bottomRight)) {
// These values are not finite if no data specified
svg.attr("width", bottomRight[0] - topLeft[0])
.attr("height", bottomRight[1] - topLeft[1])
.style("left", topLeft[0] + "px")
.style("top", topLeft[1] + "px")
g.attr("transform", "translate(" + -topLeft[0] + "," + -topLeft[1] + ")")
// I can't find a way of dealing with paths and circles in the same
// enter/update statement. (There may be a way using d3 symbols for
// creating the circles, but sizing would need work.) So instead
// we do two enter/update statements - one for circles and one for
// paths, but it means that we have to repeat all the common code
// for setting properties, event handlers etc.
// Separate data rendered with path and data rendered with Circle
const filteredDataPath = filteredData.filter(d => {
const shape = d.shape ? d.shape : data.shape
return shape!=='circlerad'
const filteredDataCircle = filteredData.filter(d => {
const shape = d.shape ? d.shape : data.shape
return shape==='circlerad'
// Create promises to be resolved when the circles and paths
// have been redrawn.
let pRedrawPath, pRedrawCircle
const up = g.selectAll("path")
.data(filteredDataPath, function(d) {
return d.gr
if (filteredDataPath.length) {
pRedrawPath = up.enter()
.style("pointer-events", "all")
.style("cursor", () => {
if (onclick) {
return 'pointer'
.on('click', (a1,a2) => {
let d
if(a1.type === 'click') {
} else {
if (onclick) {
onclick(d.gr, d.id ? d.id : null, d.caption ? d.caption : null)
.on('mouseover', (a1,a2) => {
let d
if(a1.type === 'mouseover') {
} else {
if (captionId) {
if (d.caption) {
} else {
.on('mouseout', (a1,a2) => {
let d
if(a1.type === 'mouseout') {
} else {
if (captionId) {
d3.select(`#${captionId}`).html(d.noCaption ? d.noCaption : '')
.transition().duration(0) // Required in order to use .end promise
.attr("d", d => {
return path(d.geometry)
.attr("fill-opacity", d => d.opacity ? d.opacity : data.opacity)
.attr("fill", d => d.colour ? d.colour : data.colour)
.attr("stroke", 'black')
.end().catch(() => null) // Catch error which comes from interrupted transition
} else {
pRedrawPath = Promise.resolve()
const uc = g.selectAll("circle")
.data(filteredDataCircle, function(d) {
return d.gr
if (filteredDataCircle.length) {
// Because of projection, the radii of the circles can end up
// with several values which looks wrong, so we set all to the
// maximum value.
let rad = filteredDataCircle.reduce((max, d) => {
const c0 = d.geometry.coordinates[0][0]
const c1 = d.geometry.coordinates[0][1]
const x0 = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(c0[1], c0[0])).x
const x1 = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(c1[1], c1[0])).x
const rad = Math.floor(Math.abs(x1 - x0))
return rad > max ? rad : max
}, 0)
if (rad === 0) rad=1
// Update the features
pRedrawCircle = uc.enter()
.style("pointer-events", "all")
.style("cursor", () => {
if (onclick) {
return 'pointer'
.on('click', d => {
if (onclick) {
onclick(d.gr, d.id ? d.id : null, d.caption ? d.caption : null)
.on('mouseover', d => {
if (captionId) {
if (d.caption) {
} else {
.transition().duration(0) // Required in order to use .end promise
.attr("cx", d => {
return map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(d.lat, d.lng)).x
.attr("cy", d => {
return map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(d.lat, d.lng)).y
.attr("r", d => rad * d.size)
.attr("fill-opacity", d => d.opacity ? d.opacity : data.opacity)
.attr("fill", d => d.colour ? d.colour : data.colour)
.attr("stroke", 'black')
.end().catch(() => null) // Catch error which comes from interrupted transition
} else {
pRedrawCircle = Promise.resolve()
pRedrawPath.then(() => {
//console.log("Paths complete")
pRedrawCircle.then(() => {
//console.log("Circles complete")
Promise.allSettled([pRedrawPath, pRedrawCircle]).then(() => {
//console.log("Paths and circles complete")
// callback[1] is fired at the end of data display
// can be used to hide a busy indicator.
if (callbacks[1]) callbacks[1]()
// Redisplay the SVG
if (precision===0) {
svg.style('display', 'none')
} else {
svg.style('display', 'block')
function redrawCountries() {
//console.log('showCountries', showCountries, countries)
const zoom = map.getZoom()
const root = constants.thisCdn
if (showCountries && zoom < 7) {
if (!countries.countries1000) {
countries.countries1000 = 'loading'
.then(data => {
countries.countries1000 = geojsonCountries(data)
} else if (countries.countries1000 !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(countries.countries1000)) {
} else if (countries.countries1000 !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(countries.countries1000)) {
if (showCountries && zoom >= 7 && zoom < 10) {
if (!countries.countries100) {
countries.countries100 = 'loading'
.then(data => {
countries.countries100 = geojsonCountries(data)
} else if (countries.countries100 !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(countries.countries100)) {
} else if (countries.countries100 !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(countries.countries100)) {
if (showCountries && zoom >= 10 && zoom < 12) {
if (!countries.countries10) {
countries.countries10 = 'loading'
.then(data => {
countries.countries10 = geojsonCountries(data)
} else if (countries.countries10 !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(countries.countries10)) {
} else if (countries.countries10 !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(countries.countries10)) {
if (showCountries && zoom >= 12) {
if (!countries.countriesFull) {
countries.countriesFull = 'loading'
.then(data => {
countries.countriesFull = geojsonCountries(data)
} else if (countries.countriesFull !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(countries.countriesFull)) {
} else if (countries.countriesFull !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(countries.countriesFull)) {
function geojsonCountries(data) {
return L.geoJSON(data,
pane: 'vcpane',
style: getStyle()
function redrawVcs() {
const root = constants.thisCdn
// Load the VC mbr file if not already
if (showVcs) {
if (!vcs.mbrs) {
const mbrFile = `${root}/assets/vc/mbrs.csv`
d3.csv(mbrFile, vc => {
return {
vc: vc.vc,
_southWest: {
lat: Number(vc.lllat),
lng: Number(vc.lllon),
_northEast: {
lat: Number(vc.urlat),
lng: Number(vc.urlon),
}).then(data => {
vcs.mbrs = data
} else {
} else {
// Remove any VCs currently displayed
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs1000)) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs100).forEach(vc => {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs100[vc])) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs10).forEach(vc => {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs10[vc])) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcsFull).forEach(vc => {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcsFull[vc])) {
function displayVcs() {
const zoom = map.getZoom()
// Because the d3.json load is asynchronous, can be
// kicked off more than once for same file so we
// use the 'loading' flag to prevent this.
if (zoom < 7) {
if (!vcs.vcs1000) {
vcs.vcs1000 = 'loading'
.then(data => {
vcs.vcs1000 = geojsonVcs(data)
} else if (vcs.vcs1000 !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs1000)) {
} else if (vcs.vcs1000 !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs1000)) {
if (zoom >= 7 && zoom < 10) {
vcsInView().forEach(vc => {
if (!vcs.vcs100[vc]) {
vcs.vcs100[vc] = 'loading'
.then(data => {
vcs.vcs100[vc] = geojsonVcs(data)
} else if (vcs.vcs100[vc] !== 'loading'){
if (!map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs100[vc])) {
} else {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs100).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcs100[vc] !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs100[vc])) {
if (zoom >= 10 && zoom < 12) {
//console.log('VCs simpified ten')
vcsInView().forEach(vc => {
if (!vcs.vcs10[vc]) {
vcs.vcs10[vc] = 'loading'
.then(data => {
vcs.vcs10[vc] = geojsonVcs(data)
} else if (vcs.vcs10[vc] !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs10[vc])) {
} else {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs10).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcs10[vc] !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs10[vc])) {
if (zoom >= 12) {
//console.log('VCs full res')
vcsInView().forEach(vc => {
if (!vcs.vcsFull[vc]) {
vcs.vcsFull[vc] = 'loading'
.then(data => {
vcs.vcsFull[vc] = geojsonVcs(data)
} else if (vcs.vcsFull[vc] !== 'loading') {
if (!map.hasLayer(vcs.vcsFull[vc])) {
} else {
Object.keys(vcs.vcsFull).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcsFull[vc] !== 'loading') {
if (map.hasLayer(vcs.vcsFull[vc])) {
// Reset styles depending on zoom level
if (vcs.vcs1000 !== 'loading' && map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs1000)) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs100).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcs100[vc] !== 'loading' && map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs100[vc])) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcs10).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcs10[vc] !== 'loading' && map.hasLayer(vcs.vcs10[vc])) {
Object.keys(vcs.vcsFull).forEach(vc => {
if (vcs.vcsFull[vc] !== 'loading' && map.hasLayer(vcs.vcsFull[vc])) {
function geojsonVcs(data) {
let fn = null
if (showVcsTooltips) {
fn = (f, l) => {
return l.bindPopup(`VC: <b>${f.properties['CODE']}</b> ${f.properties['NAME']}`)
return L.geoJSON(data,
pane: 'vcpane',
style: getStyle(),
interactive: showVcsTooltips,
onEachFeature: fn
function vcsInView() {
return vcs.mbrs.filter(vc => overlaps(vc, map.getBounds())).map(vc => vc.vc)
function overlaps(v1, v2) {
//console.log(v1, v2)
const v1minx = v1._southWest.lng
const v1maxx = v1._northEast.lng
const v1miny = v1._southWest.lat
const v1maxy = v1._northEast.lat
const v2minx = v2._southWest.lng
const v2maxx = v2._northEast.lng
const v2miny = v2._southWest.lat
const v2maxy = v2._northEast.lat
// Bottom left corner of v1 overlaps v2
if (v1minx > v2minx && v1minx < v2maxx && v1miny > v2miny && v1miny < v2maxy) return true
// Bottom right corner of v1 overlaps v2
if (v1maxx > v2minx && v1maxx < v2maxx && v1miny > v2miny && v1miny < v2maxy) return true
// Top right corner of v1 overlaps v2
if (v1maxx > v2minx && v1maxx < v2maxx && v1maxy > v2miny && v1maxy < v2maxy) return true
// Top left corner of v1 overlaps v2
if (v1minx > v2minx && v1minx < v2maxx && v1maxy > v2miny && v1maxy < v2maxy) return true
// Bottom left corner of v2 overlaps v1
if (v2minx > v1minx && v2minx < v1maxx && v2miny > v1miny && v2miny < v1maxy) return true
// Bottom right corner of v2 overlaps v1
if (v2maxx > v1minx && v2maxx < v1maxx && v2miny > v1miny && v2miny < v1maxy) return true
// Top right corner of v2 overlaps v1
if (v2maxx > v1minx && v2maxx < v1maxx && v2maxy > v1miny && v2maxy < v1maxy) return true
// Top left corner of v2 overlaps v1
if (v2minx > v1minx && v2minx < v1maxx && v2maxy > v1miny && v2maxy < v1maxy) return true
// No overlap
return false
function getStyle() {
// Get style where zoom explicity named in one of the
// style objects zoom arrays.
let style = styleVcs.find(s => s.zoom.indexOf(map.getZoom())>-1)
// If not found, then find the style with empty zoom array
if (!style) {
style = styleVcs.find(s => s.zoom.length===0)
return style
/** @function setMapType
* @param {string} newMapTypesKey - A string which a key used to identify a data accessor function.
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* The data accessor is stored in the mapTypesSel object and referenced by this key.
function setMapType(newMapTypesKey) {
mapTypesKey = newMapTypesKey
/** @function setIdentfier
* @param {string} identifier - A string which identifies some data to
* a data accessor function.
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* The data accessor function, specified elsewhere, will use this identifier to access
* the correct data.
function setIdentfier(identifier) {
taxonIdentifier = identifier
/** @function redrawMap
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Redraw the map, e.g. after changing map accessor function or map identifier.
function redrawMap(){
// callback[2] is fired as start of data download and
// can be used to show a busy indicator. As data is
// loaded asychronously, the gui should be updated okay.
if (callbacks[2]) callbacks[2]()
const accessFunction = mapTypesSel[mapTypesKey]
return accessFunction(taxonIdentifier).then(data => {
if (data && data.records) {
data.records = data.records.map(d => {
const ll = getCentroid(d.gr, 'wg').centroid
d.lat = ll[1]
d.lng = ll[0]
return d
dots[`p${data.precision}`] = data
precision = data.precision
legendOpts.accessorData = data.legend
if (legendOpts.display && (legendOpts.data || legendOpts.accessorData)) {
const legendSvg = d3.select(selector).append('svg')
svgLegend(legendSvg, legendOpts)
const bbox = legendSvg.node().getBBox()
const w = legendOpts.width ? legendOpts.width : bbox.x + bbox.width + bbox.x
const h = legendOpts.height ? legendOpts.height : bbox.y + bbox.height + bbox.y
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').html(`<svg class="legendSvg" width="${w}" height="${h}">${legendSvg.html()}</svg>`)
// callback[3] is fired at the end of data download and
// can be used to hide a busy indicator.
if (callbacks[3]) callbacks[3]()
if (precision===0){
} else {
/** @function setLegendOpts
* @param {legendOpts} lo - a legend options object.
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* The legend options object can be used to specify properties of a legend and even the content
* of the legend itself.
function setLegendOpts(lo) {
legendOpts = lo
/** @function clearMap
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Clear the map of dots and legend.
function clearMap(){
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
svg.style('display', 'none')
// Hide point markers
if (markers) {
/** @function setSize
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Change the size of the leaflet map.
* @param {number} width - Width of the map.
* @param {number} height - Height of the map.
function setSize(width, height){
.style('width', `${width}px`)
.style('height', `${height}px`)
/** @function invalidateSize
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Expose the leaflet map invalidate size method.
function invalidateSize(){
/** @function addBasemapLayer
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Provides a method to add a basemap layer after the map is created. A basemap can be either a
* true leaflet basemap or a leaflet overlay layer. They are distinguised by the value of an 'overlay'
* configuration option.
* @param {basemapConfig} config - a configuration object to define the new layer.
function addBasemapLayer(config){
let lyrFn
if (config.type === 'tileLayer') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer
} else if (config.type === 'wms') {
lyrFn = L.tileLayer.wms
if (config.overlay) {
if (!overlayMaps[config.name]) {
// Add config to overlayMaps
if (lyrFn) {
overlayMaps[config.name] = lyrFn(config.url, config.opts)
if (!mapLayerControl) {
// If there's no mapLayerControl, create one
mapLayerControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps).addTo(map)
} else {
mapLayerControl.addOverlay(overlayMaps[config.name], config.name)
} else {
if (!baseMaps[config.name]) {
// Add config to baseMaps
if (lyrFn) {
baseMaps[config.name] = lyrFn(config.url, config.opts)
if (!mapLayerControl && Object.keys(baseMaps).length === 2) {
// This is the second base layer - create mapLayerControl
mapLayerControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps).addTo(map)
} else {
mapLayerControl.addBaseLayer(baseMaps[config.name], config.name)
if (config.selected) {
/** @function removeBasemapLayer
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Provides a method to remove a basemap layer after the map is created. A basemap can be either a
* true leaflet basemap or a leaflet overlay layer. They are distinguised by the value of an 'overlay'
* configuration option.
* @param {string} mapName - the name by which the map layer is identified (appears in layer selection).
function removeBasemapLayer(mapName){
if (overlayMaps[mapName]) {
delete overlayMaps[mapName]
} else if (baseMaps[mapName] && Object.keys(baseMaps).length > 1) {
delete baseMaps[mapName]
if (selectedBaselayerName === mapName) {
// If the removed layer was previously displayed, then
// display first basemap.
if (Object.keys(baseMaps).length === 1 && Object.keys(overlayMaps).length === 0) {
// Only one base layer - and no overlay layers
// remove mapLayerControl
mapLayerControl = null
/** @function addGeojsonLayer
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Provides a method to add a geojson layer after the map is created.
* @param {geojsonConfig} config - a configuration object to define the new layer.
function addGeojsonLayer(config){
if (!geojsonLayers[config.name]) {
if (!config.style) {
config.style = {
"color": "blue",
"weight": 5,
"opacity": 0.65
d3.json(config.url).then(data => {
geojsonLayers[config.name] = L.geoJSON(data, {style: config.style}).addTo(map)
} else {
console.log(`Geojson layer with the name ${config.name} is already loaded.`)
/** @function removeGeojsonLayer
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
* Provides a method to remove a geojson layer after the map is created.
* @param {string} mapName - the name by which the map layer is identified.
function removeGeojsonLayer(name){
if (geojsonLayers[name]) {
delete geojsonLayers[name]
} else {
console.log(`Geojson layer with the name ${name} not found.`)
/** @function showOverlay
* @description <b>This function allows you to show/hide the leaflet overlay layer (atlas layer)</b>.
* Provides a method to show/hide the leaflet overlay layer used to display atlas data.
* @param {boolean} show - Set to true to display the layer, or false to hide it.
function showOverlay(show) {
if (show) {
if (legendOpts.display) {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'block')
} else {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
svg.style('display', 'block')
} else {
d3.select(`#${mapid}`).select('.legendDiv').style('display', 'none')
svg.style('display', 'none')
/** @function changeClusterThreshold
* @description <b>This function allows you to change the clustering threshold zoom level for point maps</b>.
* @param {number} clusterZoomThreshold - The leaflet zoom level above which clustering will be turned off.
function changeClusterThreshold(level) {
clusterZoomThreshold = level
if (precision===0){
/** @function setShowVcs
* @description <b>This function allows you to change whether or not Vice County boundaries are displayed.</b>.
* @param {boolean} show - Indicates whether or not to display VCs.
function setShowVcs(show) {
showVcs = show
/** @function setShowCountries
* @description <b>This function allows you to change whether or not Country boundaries are displayed.</b>.
* @param {boolean} show - Indicates whether or not to display Countries.
function setShowCountries(show) {
showCountries = show
/** @function downloadData
* @param {boolean} asGeojson - a boolean value that indicates whether to generate GeoJson (if false, generates CSV).
* @description <b>This function is exposed as a method on the API returned from the leafletMap function</b>.
function downloadData(asGeojson){
const accessFunction = mapTypesSel[mapTypesKey]
downloadCurrentData(accessFunction(taxonIdentifier), precision, asGeojson)
* @typedef {Object} api
* @property {module:slippyMap~setIdentfier} setIdentfier - Identifies data to the data accessor function.
* @property {module:slippyMap~setMapType} setMapType - Set the key of the data accessor function.
* @property {module:slippyMap~setLegendOpts} setLegendOpts - Sets options for the legend.
* @property {module:slippyMap~redrawMap} redrawMap - Redraw the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~clearMap} clearMap - Clear the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~setSize} setSize - Reset the size of the leaflet map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~invalidateSize} invalidateSize - Access Leaflet's invalidateSize method.
* @property {module:slippyMap~addBasemapLayer} addBasemapLayer - Add a basemap to the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~removeBasemapLayer} removeBasemapLayer - Remove a basemap from the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~addGeojsonLayer} addGeojsonLayer - Add a geojson layer to the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~removeGeojsonLayer} removeGeojsonLayer - Remove a geojson layer from the map.
* @property {module:slippyMap~showOverlay} showOverlay - Show/hide the overlay layer.
* @property {module:slippyMap~changeClusterThreshold} changeClusterThreshold - Change the zoom cluster threshold for points.
* @property {module:slippyMap~setShowVcs} setShowVcs - Set the boolean flag which indicates whether or not to display VCs.
* @property {module:slippyMap~setShowCountries} setShowCountries - Set the boolean flag which indicates whether or not to display Countries.
* @property {module:slippyMap~downloadData} downloadData - Download a the map data as a CSV or GeoJson file.
* @property {module:slippyMap~map} lmap - Returns a reference to the leaflet map object.
return {
setIdentfier: setIdentfier,
setLegendOpts: setLegendOpts,
redrawMap: redrawMap,
setMapType: setMapType,
clearMap: clearMap,
setSize: setSize,
invalidateSize: invalidateSize,
addBasemapLayer: addBasemapLayer,
removeBasemapLayer: removeBasemapLayer,
addGeojsonLayer: addGeojsonLayer,
removeGeojsonLayer: removeGeojsonLayer,
showOverlay: showOverlay,
changeClusterThreshold: changeClusterThreshold,
setShowVcs: setShowVcs,
setShowCountries: setShowCountries,
downloadData: downloadData,
lmap: map